Full Stack Developer Student

A passionate developer skilled in Go for backend services, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for dynamic web apps, and Dart/Flutter for cross-platform mobile development. Currently expanding my expertise by learning Java and .Net.

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Mes Projets

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Workin Fit

A mobile sport app about exercising indoor and the ability to create custom sessions

Dart Flutter
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Rock Paper Scissors

Simple game using Math package to generate random result from an ai using terminal to show stats and commands

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Space Invaders

A simple space-invaders in python using the pygame Library

Python Pygame
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Kalimba JS

A kalimba keyboard using javascript, HTML and CSS. It uses keyboards inputs to play the kalimba notes accordingly

Javascript HTML CSS


Zone01 est une école innovante spécialisée dans l'enseignement des technologies de l'information et de la communication. Elle offre un environnement d'apprentissage unique, axé sur la pratique et la collaboration, permettant aux étudiants de développer des compétences techniques avancées et de se préparer aux défis du monde professionnel.

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Real-time Forum

A single-page application forum with real-time features using WebSockets. Private message, registration and post creation

Javascript Golang HTML CSS SQLite


A faithful recreation of the classic Bomberman game featuring multiple levels, story progression, and dynamic gameplay mechanics.

Javascript POO HTML CSS


A web interface that fetches and displays real-time news from the Hacker News API, featuring live updates, comments, and notifications.

Tetris Optimizer

Tetris Optimizer

A sophisticated algorithm that calculates and visualizes the smallest possible square that can contain a given set of tetrominos.

Golang Backtracking Algorithms
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Project consisting in creating a web forum with limited functionalities.

Golang SQLite HTML CSS
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Localhost chat between users using terminal and golang goroutines.

Golang TCP Connections